Best day of the week or month to launch your Kickstarter campaign (in 2025)

Find out the best days of the week and months of the year to launch your Kickstarter (or Indiegogo) crowdfunding campaign.

Mark Pecota | CEO at LaunchBoom

Best month and day to launch your crowdfunding product

One of the most common questions I get asked, aside from which platform to launch on, is “when should I launch my crowdfunding campaign?” By when, they mean the best month, day of the week, and time of day to maximize their crowdfunding results.

Knowing the answer to this question will help you plan your crowdfunding launch. And planning ahead will allow you to maximize your crowdfunding results.

To answer this question, we analyzed data from 342,287 Kickstarter projects. The analysis breaks down the data by:

  • Month
  • Day of week
  • Time of day

We’ll further break those down by two metrics:

  1. Number of campaigns launched
  2. Average backers / campaign

Even though we report on both, the most important metric is Average Backers / Project. This metric does a better job of showing the likelihood that someone will back during a specific time frame.

One last note before we dive in… even though this is only looking at Kickstarter projects, I see no reason why this doesn’t apply to Indiegogo as well.

Alright, let’s dive in!

When is the best month to launch?

Each bar in the chart above represents a new month in the year. The higher the bar, the more projects were launched during that month. The higher the backer icon, the more average backers / project over that period.

Key insights:

  • December is the worst month to launch
  • March is the most popular month to launch campaigns
  • May receives the most backers/project

👉 On average, the best month to launch is May.

According to the data, May is the best month to launch (excluding December), but only by a small margin. Because of this, you can feel confident launching in any month besides December.

If your product is seasonal, launch during that season. For example, if you were launching a portable AC unit, you’d want to launch in summer when it’s hot. Do not try to launch early so that backers receive your product during the month they’d want to use it. This may seem counterintuitive but people buy products based on the need they have now even if it’s a pre-order.

When is the best day of the week to launch?

Each bar in the chart above represents a new day in the week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. The higher the bar, the more projects were launched during that day. The higher the backer icon, the more average backers / project over that period.

Key insights:

  • Never launch on a weekend
  • Vast majority of projects launch at the beginning of the week
  • Tuesday has the most projects launched and the most backers / project

👉 On average, the best day to launch is Tuesday.

Even without looking at the data, Tuesday logically makes the most sense. As the start of most peoples’ work week, people are still in “work mode” on Mondays. By Tuesday, people are starting to settle into their productive work schedule and are more likely to buy. Tuesday also has the highest email open rates, which is another reason why I think it’s so effective.

When is the best time of day to launch?

Each bar in the chart above represents a new hour in the day starting from midnight. The time is in EST. The higher the bar, the more projects were launched during that hour. The higher the backer icon, the more average backers / project over that period.

Key insights:

  • The beginning and end of the day are the worst times to launch projects
  • Vast majority of projects launch around noon EST
  • The most backers / project come in at 8AM EST

👉 On average, the best time to launch is 8AM EST.

Earlier launches are better because it gives the entire US market (which is the biggest market for crowdfunding) time to take advantage of your day 1 sales. It also gives you time to be shown as “new and noteworthy” on the platforms before the vast majority of the projects launch around noon EST.

Let’s put it all together

According to the data, you should launch your campaign…

👉 At 8AM EST on a Tuesday in May.

But with that said, the most important stats to look at are time of day and day of week. Like I said earlier in the article, the month isn’t as important as long as you don’t launch in December. I’ve seen many campaigns rush to get a campaign out to hit a launch date in a certain month, but they ended up hurting their success by doing so. It’s more important to take the right amount of time to prepare your launch than hitting a specific month. That way, you don’t become part of the 63.5% of crowdfunding campaigns that fail.

Want the complete guide to Kickstarter?

In this Kickstarter Masterclass, you’ll learn everything you need to launch a successful Kickstarter this year.

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